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The purpose of this package is to provide some helper files/functions/classes for generic Python processes.

Key URLs🔗

For reference, these URL's are used:

Type Source URL
Git Repo GitHub
Python Package PyPI
Package Docs Pages


You can install and use this package multiple ways by using pip, pipenv, or poetry.

Using pip:🔗

  1. In your terminal, run:

    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python3 -m pip install toolbox-python
  2. Or, in your requirements.txt file, add:


    Then run:

    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python3 -m pip install --requirement=requirements.txt

Using pipenv:🔗

  1. Install using environment variables:

    In your Pipfile file, add:

    url = ""
    verify_ssl = false
    name = "pypi"
    toolbox-python = "*"

    Then run:

    python3 -m pip install pipenv
    python3 -m pipenv install --verbose --skip-lock --categories=root index=pypi toolbox-python
  2. Or, in your requirements.txt file, add:


    Then run:

    python3 -m run pipenv install --verbose --skip-lock --requirements=requirements.txt
  3. Or just run this:

    python3 -m pipenv install --verbose --skip-lock toolbox-python

Using poetry:🔗

  1. In your pyproject.toml file, add:

    toolbox-python = "*"

    Then run:

    poetry install
  2. Or just run this:

    poetry add toolbox-python
    poetry install
    poetry sync


Contribution is always welcome.

  1. First, either fork or branch the main repo.

  2. Clone your forked/branched repo.

  3. Build your environment:

    1. With pipenv on Windows:

      if (-not (Test-Path .venv)) {mkdir .venv}
      python -m pipenv install --requirements requirements.txt --requirements requirements-dev.txt --skip-lock
      python -m poetry run pre-commit install
      python -m poetry shell
    2. With pipenv on Linux:

      mkdir .venv
      python3 -m pipenv install --requirements requirements.txt --requirements requirements-dev.txt --skip-lock
      python3 -m poetry run pre-commit install
      python3 -m poetry shell
    3. With poetry on Windows:

      python -m pip install --upgrade pip
      python -m pip install poetry
      python -m poetry init
      python -m poetry add $(cat requirements/root.txt)
      python -m poetry add --group=dev $(cat requirements/dev.txt)
      python -m poetry add --group=test $(cat requirements/test.txt)
      python -m poetry add --group=docs $(cat requirements/docs.txt)
      python -m poetry install
      python -m poetry run pre-commit install
      python -m poetry shell
    4. With poetry on Linux:

      python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
      python3 -m pip install poetry
      python3 -m poetry init
      python3 -m poetry add $(cat requirements/root.txt)
      python3 -m poetry add --group=dev $(cat requirements/dev.txt)
      python3 -m poetry add --group=test $(cat requirements/test.txt)
      python3 -m poetry add --group=docs $(cat requirements/docs.txt)
      python3 -m poetry install
      python3 -m poetry run pre-commit install
      python3 -m poetry shell
  4. Start contributing.

  5. When you're happy with the changes, raise a Pull Request to merge with the main branch again.

Build and Test🔗

To ensure that the package is working as expected, please ensure that:

  1. You write your code as per PEP8 requirements.
  2. You write a UnitTest for each function/feature you include.
  3. The CodeCoverage is 100%.
  4. All UnitTests are passing.
  5. MyPy is passing 100%.


  • Run them all together

    poetry run make check
  • Or run them individually:

    • Black

      poetry run make check-black

    • PyTests:

      poetry run make ckeck-pytest

    • MyPy:

      poetry run make check-mypy